Core Dump An expansive collection of compact entitled imagery. Various small square images are identified by5,45711,89717,739 titles, a short sample is listed below. The imagery depicts embedded cultural (sexual-facial) expressions and is printed using a fine uniform halftone beneath an error-diffusion a silent mania of search which led you helplessly to the face, and deserted you there, fixed by the mouth which stigmatized your hunger, fixed by the eyes which knew you, and did not move... Each image and title is individually laser-printed on very light-weight, letter-size, imported (Chinese straw and hemp) archival papers. These elegant prints are very inexpensively available from the artist; please specify which titles you'd prefer. The entire history of otherness is founded on facial or corporal expressions, on the infinitesimal movements of the regard; and even if seduction is a challenge, it still allows us to believe in the infinite power of charms and spells. The illusion of otherness is never truly recognized as such; the larger staging of emotions and perceptions avoids it so well that it becomes the 'black hole' of all the idealism of difference and communion. The Other remains at the heart of universal principles of exchange, at the heart of the alter ego's reiterated experience. Eventually these images and captions will also be incorporated into a web-based multi-animated field of pictorial-desire. I'm thinking now that these captions should each be engraved on the interior surfaces of plain metal finger-rings. Several sizes and random captions could be included in each 'lot' sold. A longer list of titles can be obtained via email; I'm also looking to either buy a jewelry engraver or to arrange to have the work done in exchange for a portion of sales-profits. The Library of Babel, imagined an infinite library of all possible statements, those that have been, will be, and could be, from the most nonsensical to the most sublime.
It is possible to strip a body or a face totally of its appearances and yield it up to the pure concupiscence of looking, to strip it of its aura and yield it to the pure concupiscenece of desire, to strip it of its secret and yield it to the pure operation of decipherment. The power of the obscene exterminates all ambiguity and all seduction and delivers us to the definitive fascination of bodies without faces, faces without eyes, and eyes that don't look. This is what attracts us in advance: a perfectly ecstatic and obscene universe of pure objects, transparent to each other, which would shatter against each other like pure kernels of truth.
Short Sample of Core-Dump List: 3671. Radiant-Light 3672. Radiant-Water 3673. Radical-Distinction 3674. Radical-Reforms 3675. Radio-Voice 3676. Ragged-Staring-Wretch 3677. Raging-Sea 3678. Raging-Tumult 3679. Rain-Falls 3680. Rallied-Round 3681. Random-Inquiries 3682. Random-Way 3683. Rang-Hollow 3684. Ranging-Alongside 3685. Rapid-Returns 3686. Rare-Explicit-Clarity 3687. Rare-Gas-Molecules 3688. Rather-Distrustful 3689. Rather-Good-Sort 3690. Rather-Guess 3691. Rather-Reckless 3692. Rather-Romantic 3693. Rather-Than-Wander-Further-About 3694. Rational-Reform 3695. Rational-Tradition 3696. Reaching-Back 3697. Readily-Discernible 3698. Ready-Directly 3699. Ready-Formed 3700. Ready-Rods 3701. Real-Fast 3702. Real-Friend 3703. Real-Knowledge 3704. Real-Repute 3705. Real-Return 3706. Real-Well 3707. Really-Wretched 3708. Reason-Speculates 3709. Reasonable-Surmises 3710. Reasons-Set-Forth 3711. Recalling-Some-Pleasant-Encounter 3712. Received-Wisdom 3713. Recent-Terror 3714. Recently-Reduced 3715. Reciprocal-Intimacy 3716. Recklessly-Arranged 3717. Reckoned-Something 3718. Reconciled-These-Things 3719. Record-Rise 3720. Recorded-Signals-Speaking 3721. Recorded-Smugglers 3722. Red-Letter-Day 3723. Red-Men 3724. Red-Roses 3725. Red-Silken-Wrapper 3726. Reddening-Over 3727. Redeem-Time 3728. Redundant-Days 3729. Reeling-Attempt 3730. Reeling-Scene 3731. Reflect-Nothing 3732. Reflected-Moonshine 3733. Reflecting-Rails 3734. Reflections-Just-Here 3735. Refreshing-Juice 3736. Refuse-Resurrections 3737. Refuse-Rocks 3738. Regal-Process 3739. Registering-Resolution 3740. Regretted-Recognition 3741. Regular-Features 3742. Regular-Intervals 3743. Regular-Meals 3744. Regular-Rhythm 3745. Regular-Seasons 3746. Regular-System 3747. Regular-Tinkle 3748. Regular-Turns 3749. Relatively-Established-Demand 3750. Relaxed-Tone 3751. Reliable-Particle-Count 3752. Reliable-Regular 3753. Religious-Obligations 3754. Reluctant-Particles 3755. Remained-Kneeling 3756. Remaining-Days 3757. Remaining-Rooted 3758. Remains-Intact 3759. Remains-Unsaid 3760. Remarkable-In-Themselves 3761. Remorseless-Service 3762. Remote-Harbors 3763. Remoter-Southern-Seas 3764. Remotest-Degree 3765. Remotest-Nooks 3766. Remotest-Water 3767. Remotest-Waters 3768. Renounce-Existence 3769. Repenting-Prophet 3770. Replace-Strategy-with-Technology 3771. Replaced-Beliefs-with-Systems 3772. Residual-Space 3773. Resolved-to-Satisfy 3774. Resounding-Crash 3775. Respective-Duties 3776. Restless-Glance 3777. Restless-Heart 3778. Restless-Needle 3779. Restrain-the-Gush 3780. Restrained-Passion 3781. Restricted-Motion 3782. Result-Rendering 3783. Retreat-Recedes 3784. Retreating-Slope-from-above-the-Brows 3785. Reveal-Harmonious-Orders 3786. Revelations-and-Allusions 3787. Reverential-Dexterity 3788. Revolved-Over 3789. Revolving-Images 3790. Rhythmic-Ratios 3791. Ribbed-and-Dented 3792. Ride-Rocking 3793. Rifled-Hearts 3794. Right-Along 3795. Right-Off 3796. Righteous-Souls 3797. Righteousness-Endureth-Forever 3798. Ring-Bolt 3799. Ringed-Horizon 3800. Rise-Rather 3801. Rise-and-Depart 3802. Rising-Chill-Embraced 3803. Rising-Steam 3804. Rising-to-the-Surface 3805. Roar-of-Breakers 3806. Roared-Forth 3807. Roaring-Streams 3808. Roasted-River-Horse 3809. Rocky-Shores 3810. Roll-Round 3811. Rolled-Away 3812. Rolled-Over 3813. Rolling-Hills 3814. Roman`s-Ruins-Run-Right 3815. Room-Papered 3816. Room-Roll 3817. Rose-Water-Snow 3818. Rotted-Remains 3819. Roughly-Rectangular 3820. Round-Globe-Over 3821. Round-Resembles 3822. Rows-to-Peer 3823. Royal-Rights 3824. Royal-Standard 3825. Royal-Stuff 3826. Rude-Attempt 3827. Rumpled-Reproduction 3828. Running-Great-Risk 3829. Running-Up-After-Me 3830. Running-Wild 3831. Runs-Roaring 3832. Ruptured-Hymen 3833. Rush-Repeat 3834. Rushing-Waters 3835. Sacred-Grove 3836. Sacred-Vesture 3837. Sacrificial-Blaze 3838. Sacrificial-Fire 3839. Sadly-Eroded-Stones 3840. Sadly-Fear 3841. Sadly-Need-Mending 3842. Sadly-Vitiated 3843. Sadly-Abridged 3844. Safe-Distance 3845. Safe-Keeping 3846. Sagging-String 3847. Said-Nothing 3848. Sail-Forbidden-Seas 3849. Salad-Fork 3850. Sallied-Out 3851. Salt-Sea 3852. Salted-Pork 3853. Salty-Aftertaste 3854. Same-Ancient 3855. Same-Dull-Voice 3856. Same-Extent 3857. Same-Fate
... desiring machines, aggregates of subjective desire, an architecture of articulated longing... It was a slow smile, modular, as though there were stages to it, each one governed by a separate shyness or hesitation.