brad brace contemporary culture scrapbook

July 28, 2008

Just Say ‘No’ to Gov’t Arts Subsidies!

Filed under: art,corporate-greed — Tags: , — admin @ 8:55 am

Subject: Canada Council Club ref no 3215-06-0101 (fwd)

After 35 years, I knew damn-well that you creepy,
conspiring, incestuous, artworld-acolytes wouldn’t fund my
media project (even in this time of urgent-need), but
returning my audiovisual support material with a snotty
letter stating that the application was incomplete due to
missing audiovisual support material–and so wouldn’t even
be adjudicated, is a new low. Do you actually get paid (with
my tax-dollars) for this disservice?!


To: The Canada Council Arts Club
350 Albert Street POB 1047
Ottawa ON K1P5V8
cc: media

1) given your refusal of even marginal funding and hostile rejection of applications for over 35 years, subsequent applications will be filed only upon receipt of a $50,000 fee in advance

2) given your refusal of funding/validation (and consequently, employment and exhibition opportunities), for 35 years, your oppressive/restrictive current application requirements cannot possibly be entertained

3) a written apology and explanation of your past corrupt behaviour is also demanded

4) failure to reply within seven (7) days and submit fees may result in legal restitution procedures

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